Thursday, April 15, 2010

Grow, grow grow!!

During Spring Break, my biggest goal was to garden, to add color and life to our drab grey house. Several hours upon hours and days later - after a slight farmers tan and with my arms being at least 10 shades darker than my legs, back aches, running away from the wood burrowing bees that torment my poor front porch, braving the afternoon heat and redoing the flower bed at the mailbox about four times..... I feel as if I have birthed a lovely creation! Hydrangea, pixie lilies, pansies, azaleas, rhododendrons, tomatoes, herbs and wildflowers... just thinking of the colors and scents and flavors brings a sigh of satisfaction to my lips! My daily ritual after stepping out my car from work has been to walk around to house to see what has bloomed, grown taller or died and if any birds have visited the bird feeder. The latest surprise today are the wildflowers breaking through the soil in the picture above!
I am thankful that God allows us the satisfaction of finding reward and satisfaction in our labor and that he created such a beautiful variety of plants and creatures for us to enjoy!

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