A place where we can dish out our random thoughts, daily activites, life changing epiphanies, funny stories from our childhood, and what food cravings we have.
Doris, Lillian and Sharon. We are now all married, with families and homes. We wanted a way to stay connected and share ourselves with our families and friends. You are welcome to hang out with us as long as you want!
Doris: I am IN LOVE with The Gabe Dixon Band from Nashville. I have been listenting to them non-stop in the car. Evie likes it too and tries to sing along. Amazing how such an excellent sound can come out of just three people.
Sharon: Oh goodness, I listen to music on a daily basis in my classroom - so I usually leave school with a different song in my head every day! The latest band I discovered and can't get enough of is called Vampire Weekend. I've been playing them at school a lot lately!
Isaac: He only wants to hear Bonnie Raitt's "I can't make you love me" while in the car. It's the only thing that will put him to sleep. We have to listen to it over, and over, and over...
Doris: Anything by "The Cat's Pajamas"--a kid's band. We saw them in concert on Saturday at the library festival. Evie couldn't stop dancing.
Doris: "Stranded" by Van Morrison. I love the sax solo at the end.