Monday, June 28, 2010


The Mediterannean Ocean
View is along the edge of Hydra Island I believe. We also went to the beach three times and got to swim in it! One beach had natural black pebbles instead of sand.

The Island of Hydra - where they only use donkeys and bicycles to travel around!! Our favorite Island we visited on our island hopping day!

The Parthenon! Amazing!! Being worked on for preservation.

At the top of the Samarian Gorge - Europe's Grand Canyon. We hiked from the top of this mountain down inside it, through the Gorge- passing old cities and churches that are now ruins or maintained by the National Park - walked out of the Gorge and through town all the way to the ocean. Took us from 7 am to 2pm ( no lunch break) !! It was exhausting but beautiful!!

View from our hotel in Crete of the port city Chania. We LOVE this place!!! Ate lots of delicious seafood in Crete!

I am in the process of trying to make a photo book of Greece - so you can see more later!!!