Saturday, April 30, 2011

In the Last month or so...

Lil, you are so right. We have neglected this site! I thought I would post some pics of what I've been up to lately!

This past thursday I took my Advanced Ceramics Class on a field trip to experience a Raku Firing. If you do not glaze your pieces, once they come out of the kiln, you can throw horse hair on them. The horse hair burns linear designs onto the pieces. It is very beautiful and very smelly!

Here is a pic from Prom 2011! I am standing with almost all of my AP Studio students. They are all girls - it is a fun class!

Here are some pictures from Spain! I haven't really shared many since I took 600 pictures! I will eventually make a book. Here are a few to give you an idea of what I did!

View from the town of Mijas. It is a small white walled city in the mountains. Here I visited a tiny church carved into the side of a rock, and another church with beautiful frescos and statues, and meandered around with others into shops and restaurants. It was a lovely day! I am looking down the mountain - somewhere along the coast is the hotel where we stayed.

TAPAS! Best meal ever!! After visiting the Alhmbra Palace, our guide took me and three others to a local lunch spot. This was a bar known by locals for their tapas. This meal was the BEST I had on the trip. It was absolutely delicious!!!

Pic of me in the Alhambra Palace. Beautiful palace built by the Moors and the last stronghold before the Spainards pushed them out. There are several rooms in this palace, beautiful moasic and carvings. Fountains and gardens. It was beautiful!

Hope you enjoyed!! Love you both and can't wait until this summer!!

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Really gals,..where are you?
What are you doing?
What are you eating?
Where, what who and why?

Miss you gals!
Let's write on here once again!
And to persuade you back to this blog...See how his face says...."come back and play on this blog with me",  kind of a  face?

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Where are my sistas?

Hey gals!
What have you all been up to?

xoxoox lillian

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Hong Kong!!

So instead of doing school work - like I should be doing.. I decided to procrastinate a little and post pictures on here of our HK trip and give you both highlights!!!
Above is the Ruins of St. Paul! We visited Macau for two days - stayed overnight one day in dad's seminary. This was the hottest place EVER!! Neverending layer of sweat, hot, humidity, blah... I scrubbed myself down twice and extra hard in the shower to try and get it all off !!

Our first but not last Udon Fun (s??) meal!! Yum yum, Love those noodles and fish balls!! This was a local noodle shop that was famous for it's fish balls!

View from Victoria's Peak! We stayed here until nighfall to watch the light show!

I don't remember where exactly this was located... near Mong Kok, but it was a park built to resemble a Classical Chinese Garden. Beautiful Place!!

On Kowloon Side- In the background is the tallest building...The World Trade Center
More to come later....!!!!

Friday, July 16, 2010

The Greek vs. the Chinese

So Sharon, which is better?
Greek or Chinese food?

missin you!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Haikus and a Rhyme

Labor, breath, Push! PUSH!
That was hard but this is worse;
I so hate moving.

Recipe: Nightmare
Baby, toddler, add packing
and heat wave: Presto!

Screaming, yelling, AAAHHHH!
Evie has a brand new sound
I call it "screlling"

Not a haiku, just a rhyme I thought up while packing: 

Boxes, boxes everywhere
Styrofoam peanuts in my hair
Will you ever find this again? 
Oh, who cares?  Just throw it in!
All the contents of my life
Wrapped up, out of sight.
Hands, legs and back sore from all the packing,
Laying here because I'm tired, not slacking!
Friends, My lesson has been learned:
Next time we move, we are going to pay somebody.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Where is Doris and Sharon?

So Doris,...
How is the moving going!?
Has it happened yet?  Or is it happening as we speak????

Thinking of you....can't wait to see you in a month! Give the babes kisses from me.  And tell them Auntie Lillian has present for them when they get here!
i told ER that they would be here for her Birthday party.  She now thinks you guys are coming from Pilly JUST for her and her B-Day party!

xoxo lil

Sharon, Dim Sum and chicken feet and think of me.  Yum...the red chicken feet.  Not the white ones.
I love those.  When you are sitting in a crammed noodle shop on teeny chairs and small table with people pressed all around you...and you slurp those glorious noodles.....pray that I can taste it too as I stack my bread on my PB&J.  And eat some Lichee for me.....and stay away from the stinky fruit.  yuk.
Give mom and dad lots of hugs and kisses for me.  And when you loop your arm around mom's two school girls, tell her I miss her dearly!!!

I want to see pics of every meal you eat!  Maybe it will help me to feel like I participated in the eating. 
And pics of every where you go!  Even the gross Hong Kong sidewalks, and streets filled with people and their opened umbrellas shielding the sun.

xoxoxo lil