Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Hong Kong!!

So instead of doing school work - like I should be doing.. I decided to procrastinate a little and post pictures on here of our HK trip and give you both highlights!!!
Above is the Ruins of St. Paul! We visited Macau for two days - stayed overnight one day in dad's seminary. This was the hottest place EVER!! Neverending layer of sweat, hot, humidity, blah... I scrubbed myself down twice and extra hard in the shower to try and get it all off !!

Our first but not last Udon Fun (s??) meal!! Yum yum, Love those noodles and fish balls!! This was a local noodle shop that was famous for it's fish balls!

View from Victoria's Peak! We stayed here until nighfall to watch the light show!

I don't remember where exactly this was located... near Mong Kok, but it was a park built to resemble a Classical Chinese Garden. Beautiful Place!!

On Kowloon Side- In the background is the tallest building...The World Trade Center
More to come later....!!!!

1 comment:

  1. fun!!! pictures!!!!
    love them all!
    and p.s...how are you???
    i have not talked to you in a while. how is school?

    i might have you know that i am totally addicted to greek salads. i ate one for lunch. and one for dinner two nights ago. and i could eat another one right now...ha!
