Sunday, May 23, 2010

Lost it Lost??

So ... just finished watching Lost. All I have to say is "WOW". I will wait to divulge my thoughts until I know that you two have watched it..... Watch it SOON!!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Swagger Wagon and Lost

I have watched LOST from last week.  Sharon, I am almost positive you have.  You have, right?
Yes, I am with you Doris.
I am struck dumb at how they are going to wrap this show up next week.
In the words of Ryan when he saw those white-decoration-book-end-things I got for you, Sharon,  for Christmas.  He was totally dumb founded and shocked...and no other words to say but,
"What in the World Wide of Sports is that!"

So I exclaim with the same sense of confusion and shock, "What in the World Wide of Sports is going to happen in this show!!".
It is craziness!  Craziness!
We can talk more once we confirm Sharon has indeed caught up.

In other news...this video is a must see. Check it out.
It will make you want to own a mini van...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Can we take a break to talk about LOST for a moment?

Okay, I am so Disturbed.  Did you all see last night's episode of Lost?  I know we are near the end, and I have to say I am getting tired of being so confused.  Just tell me what is really happening, already!

I won't say anything else in case you haven't seen it yet.  But if you haven't, PLEASE WATCH IT so we can talk about it.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!!!

I know I am a day late!! Sorry!! But... Happy Mother's Day!
I hope you each had a wonderful day celebrating this season of life that God has richly blessed you with! I have learned so much from each of you as I watch, hear or read about how you care for your children, discipline your children, cherish them and balance your other roles as a woman as well! I have definitely learned from you as I have had wonderful opportunities to babysit or just play with my wonderful nieces and nephews!! I am glad I have two older sisters that I can learn from and that I know I can call for help when the time comes!! Thank You mothers for sharing your mothering role and learning experiences with me! I can't wait to be a mother too!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Nashville Flooding!

I just talked to Beckie on the phone, and she said they are calling this a flood that comes around every 500 years; meaning a flood of this proportion has probably not been seen for 500 years.  Crazy!

Here is a link to the Channel Four news website and an article about the flooding updates in Nashville.  It says that Beech Bend Drive, our old street, was engulfed with floodwater on Sunday morning.
